Sunday, January 26, 2020

Politics Essays Fundamental Principles Of Legitimate Power

Politics Essays Fundamental Principles Of Legitimate Power There are various theories about what can make power legitimate. Doyou think that one theory is more convincing than others? To understand thefundamental principles of legitimate power and governance one must look at theperiod surrounding the Enlightenment because this is the time when theindividual became an important entity, no longer was the individual part of aclass on a hierarchical structure, with power relating to that class. Thenatural rights theorists aim was to show that man was born in a state ofnature, and given the right to do as he/she wished, but this was sacrificed tothe governance of the land, i.e. that the rational man would give up thestate of freedom, for the security and safety of law, governance andsovereignty. Locke, said instead of giving up the right to do absolutely anythingto the sovereign entity, the rational man would put these rights in the handsof a government that holds the good of the people as supreme. Locke did notbelieve that man gives up all these natural rights, but each person retainedrights that were regulated by a political government, to ensure a person wouldnot use their rights in a way that would harm the rights of others. Lockesversion of rights was one of the first models of inherent rightsto life, liberty, freedom and property, where the king was there at the will ofthe people and benevolent in nature. Theinfluence of John-Jacques Rousseau is also important, although not strictlyspeaking a natural law theorist, in the sense of earlier theorists. The mostimportant difference that Rousseau discussed in his works was that governmentand reason has not protected man but enslaved man, whereas in thestate of nature these rights were upheld in a paradisiacal state. One ofRousseaus most interesting critiques of government and law was in the SocialContract where man was originally free but in society everywhere inchains. Therefore he believed instead of giving up ones freedom to agoverning body, it needs to be reclaimed by man but this did not meanreclaiming the paradise of Rousseaus state of nature. Instead these rightsshould be inherent to each man and that the government created is not only forthe good of the people but should be determined by the will of the people.Rousseau believed people should bepart of the regulation of the government and law; otherwise the government thatis essentia lly corrupt will take away these rights. Popular involvement makesit impossible for these rights to be taken away by the government. There wasan assumption of equality between men and basis rights to life, liberty,freedom, and protection from the corruption of absolute government (i.e. rightsto freedom of speech and assembly) and the right to a fair trial and independentCourt of law. This argument stems from the authors of the AmericanConstitution where the rights embodied in the text were self-evident becauseall men were created equal and given certain inalienable rights, which areafforded to all persons of the globe, state borders have no impact on theserights. The writers claimed these rights came from God. Other theorists haveargued we have these rights merely because we are human. This argument is stillone used in the 20th/21st Century as it is the easiest topass off, however there is no real moral justification for upholding theserights, therefore how can one say we must keeps these rights in the face of abreach or dissolution of them. Hobbes state of nature sets up that; Men by nature [are]equal: Nature hath made men so equal, in faculties of the body, and mind Foras to the strength of body, the weakest has strength enough to kill thestrongest, either by secret, machination, or by confederacy with others, thatare in the same danger with himself; henceall are equal in fear of death. Therefore if this fear was set forth by themonarch then this first law of nature legitimizes the citizens to revolt andset up a form of governance that ensures this equality and that their basicrights are upheld. Therefore if the citizens of Hobbes state are able to gettogether to give the power of law and governance to a single individual theybelieve will uphold the common good; then in the same coalition they can deposethis individual if in fact their powers of governance and over the law aremisused. This state of nature is hypothetical in order to provide a theoryjustify the fair governance of a small section of society, or as Hobbes prefersa monarch. It is the equality of fear, the individuals right to everything inaddition to subsequent laws of nature which provides the conditions for asocial contract to ensure security and equality of mankind. There are some problemswith Hobbes social contract which is giving the power of rule and governanceto a single individual; this is arguably giving this individual uncheckedpower. Therefore if every man has the right to everything and then ifthe state of natures equality is no longer the case because the power of lawlays in an individuals hands where this individual has the wants and desiresto obtain everything. Hence there will be a tyrannical government, rather thana government for the common good. Utilitarianismis not a theory of individual rights, instead it views that the good of thecommunity was a more important aim for the law and government ruled by thepeople. Theorists such as Edmund Burke believed that rights werenatural, including life, liberty and freedom but this theory was in theabstract, therefore they should be given by society for the good of its people,because these rights cannot be universal otherwise there is no place forcultural diversity. Burke is one of the first theorists with the culturalrelativism argument; the critics of universaljustice have further advanced this in the 20th and 21stcenturies. Burkes move to reject universalism was the first chip in theseinherent rights that ensured legitimate power; how canrights be inherent if they not available for everyone, because a culture deniesthem. Jeremy Bentham advanced this. His theory held that were no naturalrights the government for the good of society a form of utilitarianism,afforded rights. Therefor e Benthamsrights were legal rights where one can do whatever one wants as long as the lawdoes not prohibit it i.e., rights are not stemming from the individual but thestates and the powers of governance (Positivism). The problem with positivismor this early form of rights from utility is that the law/governance are thebasis of rights and because there is no greater principle of just andlegitimate governance. Themodel of Marxism states that it does not regard the individual as having anyhuman rights, instead it is for the state to set theneeds of the individuals, i.e., it is not the good of the individual that thestate upholds but the good and the needs of the state. Marx considered law,justice, freedom and democracy as ideas and concepts that are determined byhistorical and sociological circumstances and irrelevant. Instead a personsessence was the potential to use ones ability to the fullest and satisfy onesneeds, thereforepromoting fundamental rights as rights of well-being and satisfaction of theindividual. These rights would involve social and economic rights, which isthe only way to ensure legitimate power and justice. Marxs vision turned outto be idealistic and failed in reality. Themost legitimate version of power and governance seems to be a mixture oftraditional utilitarianism that affords a method of human rights. Modern utilitarian theorists have extended the theory of Bentham,but have put it in more modern terms. Instead of maximising the pleasuresand desires of the individual the government would be maximising thegeneral welfare of individuals therefore minimising frustration of wantsand preferences. Therefore what one cansee is that the governing bodies must put the general welfare first, yetminimise the individuals needs therefore causing a conflict of rightsbetween what is in the name of the society and what the individual wants. Theproblems with this theory is it is socially constructed, there is no autonomyof being and no argument for universal rights that transcend all cultures andreligions, therefore falling short of what is needed for an all-encompassinghuman rights theory, as the general welfare can be different fordiffering cultures. Rawls i n his thesis for engendering human rights statesthat justice is the prime basis ofall government and to ensure justice human rights are the obvious means and endto ensure justice is fulfilled. Rawls theory is based on a few key ideas,which are the rights and duties of government/institution of society andthe burdens and benefits of citizens co-operating. Rawls bases histheory that each individual has an inherent and inviolable being set in justice- this being cannot be overridden for the welfare of the society. This theorydoes not fall foul to the arguments against modern utilitarianism. Rawls doesuse the social contract fiction of Hobbes and Locke, however the basis ofmoving from ignorance (state of nature) is reason and this reason set up onprinciples of justice that his social contract is based upon. These principlesare; 1) that each person has basic rights and liberties in accordance withfreedom; and 2) there is distributive justice, where inequalities arerestrained by the great est benefit of least advantaged and each personhas the condition of fair equality of opportunity. These principlescannot be derogated for the public good and liberty is the supreme principle.Rawls theory is very important when looking at human rights theories becauseit begins to tackle the universality of human rights based on justice, as wellas the inequalities apparent in society. The theory does have flaws but it oneof the more comprehensive theories setting up basis rights and freedoms andensuring legitimate power because it protects the individuals democraticrights, because it is a more complex analysis of the nation-state and asAndrews and Sayward argue: The modern Western approach to political legitimacy links it withthe opportunities for democratic participation, so that democracy is now seenas a necessary condition of political legitimacy In theories of politicallegitimacy a stereotype of a domestic state with its own domestic populationcan easily emerge. Yet the actual histories of state are much more complicatedthan that. Bibliography: Andrews Saward, 2005, LivingPolitical Ideas, Edinburgh University Press Edmund Burke, Reflections onthe Revolution in France, (Hackett,Indianapolis, 1987) ed. J.G.A. Pocock Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, Ofthe First and Second Natural Laws, and of Contracts excerpts from Ed.Joseph Losco Leonard Williams, Political Theory: Classical Writings,Contemporary Views, (St. Martins Press, New York, 1992) Peter Jones, Rights: Issues inPolitical Theory, (Palgrave, Basingstoke, 1994) John Locke, The Second Treatise ofGovernment , excerpts from Ed. Joseph Losco Leonard Williams, PoliticalTheory: Classical Writings, Contemporary Views, (St. Martins Press, NewYork, 1992) Ed. Joseph Losco Leonard Williams,Political Theory: Classical Writings, Contemporary Views, (St. MartinsPress, New York, 1992) Marx Engels, 1952 edition, TheCommunist Manifesto, Moscow, Progress Publishers John-Jacques Rousseau, SocialContract, Discourse on the Origins and Foundations of Inequality AmongMen excerpts from Ed. Joseph Losco Leonard Williams, PoliticalTheory: Classical Writings, Contemporary Views, (St. Martins Press, NewYork, 1992) Shestack, The PhilosophicalFoundations of Human Rights from Ed. Janusz Symonides, Human Rights:Concepts and Standards, (UNESCO Publishing, Aldershot, 2000) John Rawls, The Theory of Justice (OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford, 1971)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Critical Thinking and Ethics Essay

The relationship between critical thinking and ethics is important because it determines the right and wrong of a decision based on personal recognition of basic human rights. To become a good critical thinker we must analyze and observe, evaluate, and take a moment to separate or own bias beliefs from the issue at hand. Critical Thinking is defined as â€Å"The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.† The effects of our decisions have major consequences on a surrounding body of people, and the work place environment. Issues arise when our thinking fails to keep pace with reality. Personal ethics helps assist with my decision making. It guides me to participate in actions that meet my moral standards. Ethics helps me consider the impact of my actions on an individual. The foundation of ethical thinking involves having choice and balance in your decisions. Ethics can also apply to our social and professional environment. It gives us an understanding of others opinions and gives us the ability to have an open mind to new ideas and experiences. Ethics gives recognition of the long term or short term impact are choices can have. Applying ethics allows us to accept the responsibility for the choices we make. As humans we all are faced with imperfections, it’s what we do to fix our mistakes that set us apart. In the Ethical Lens Inventory my blind spot pointed out that â€Å"I believed my motives justified methods or my own good was good enough.† Meaning I sometimes fail to be held accountable to the people that depend most on me. I become narrow minded and don’t see my method of thinking to be incorrect. By learning the steps in critical thinking I can learn to be more balanced in my reasoning skills. I can still stay determined in fulfilling my duties while achieving the greater good for other individuals. In the critical thinking process there are six steps that can be taken to insure success in everyday decision making. Step one and two describes remembering and understanding. Taking the time to listen to what is being  presented to you and fully understanding where the person is coming from or the information that is being given to you, is the first step to critical thinking. Third and Fourth step describes applying and analyzing. Practice problem solving, and identify the cause and effect of the information being given. Learn to recognize the emotional payoff by applying what was being directed to you. The Final step are evaluating and creating. Process the context of your thinking. Review what was said and reflect on it. Lastly be creative in your response. After processing all the information that was being given to you mesh all the necessary steps together and come up with a knowledgeable response. Remembering that ethics and critical thinking determines what is right and wron g in our everyday decision making and can prevent long term effects and can helps us arrive to reasonable conclusions. Bibliography 1) 2) Becoming a Master Student,ch.7 ISBN:9781285193892 Authors: Dave Ellis, Doug Toft Copyright Cengage learning(2015)

Friday, January 10, 2020

Papa John’s

Papa John’s Analysis Alex Quiquia 3/19/13 MGMT 4800 Strategic Analysis of Papa John’s Introduction–We already know that Papa John's is a major player in the Pizza industry but what does the future hold for them. One of the business-level strategies that Papa John’s implemented was product differentiation through the use of fresh dough and superior-quality ingredients. John Schnatter believed that other pizza restaurants used inferior ingredients and that he could do it better. This strategy was implemented from the very beginning in the United States.Another successful business-level strategy that focused on product diversification employed by Papa John’s was the use of technology to order pizza. In 2001 they became the first pizza company to offer online ordering. The most significant corporate-level strategy used early on by Papa John’s was mergers and acquisitions. In the late 90s, the company acquired 205 â€Å"Perfect Pizza† resta urants in the UK. They continued aggressively acquiring international restaurants until the early 2000s when they began to focus their acquisition efforts domestically.In just under 30 years since opening its first store, Papa John’s has added over 4,000 stores (papajohns. com). That’s an average of over 140 new stores every year since inception, an incredible pace. They also decided to use the franchisee model. Although this model has its critics, it can be a very useful way to generate revenue without adding to store overhead, etc. The franchisee model has been successful for Papa John’s. Papa John’s was enjoying a 5+ percent average revenue growth rate for the previous five years. The company also boasted one of the highest returns on invested capital in the restaurant category of the markets.Total assets grew steadily from 2003 to 2007 as well. This growth was financed mostly by debt, but debt/equity ratios remained healthy. Apparently Papa Johnâ€⠄¢s holds a competitive advantage in its fresher, higher-quality ingredients. When a customer is looking for a restaurant-quality pizza with ease of delivery, they turn to Papa John’s. External Analysis– During this study, the pizza industry was extremely competitive. Barriers to entry were few and competitors could drive prices for pizza ingredients extremely low, enabling them to easily undercut other competitors’ prices.Food commodity prices also took a 20 percent jump in 2007, which didn’t make the industry any more attractive. One of the attractive features of the industry is that because pizza ingredients are commodities, supplier power is very low. Suppliers cannot dictate prices to buyers, because they can go somewhere else. Buyer power, however, is very high. If someone doesn’t wish to buy a $12. 00 pizza at Papa John’s, they can go across the street to Little Caesar’s for a $5. 00 pizza that tastes almost the same. The two m ajor competitors of Papa John’s are Dominos and Pizza Hut. Both of these companies enjoy a larger market share than Papa John’s.These companies are focused more on price savings than Papa John’s, who is focused on quality pizza. Just like any other sub-section of the food industry, thousands of pizza restaurants are opened each year, which continues to make profits more difficult to obtain. Internal Analysis–The commissary system is an important part of what gives Papa John’s an edge over its competitors. Every Papa John’s restaurant belongs to a subdivided region, and each region has what is known as a commissary. These commissaries send fresh ingredients and cleaning supplies twice per week to all the Papa John’s restaurants within their region.This ensures fresh ingredients and all the supplies needed to clean the restaurants. This also maintains consistency from restaurant to restaurant as all of the commissaries are controlled at the corporate level. By servicing several units from one commissary, labor costs are also driven down. Papa John’s international growth is also an advantage it has over many of its competitors. By taking advantage of all different markets around the world, Papa John’s ensures that business is most likely thriving somewhere at all times. All of these factors create a competitive advantage for Papa John’s.Recommendations Based on this analysis of Papa John’s, the following recommendations are made to help the company continue its profitability. 1. Expand internationally as much as possible. With several stores in diverse locations throughout the world, Papa John’s will be well diversified and able to absorb losses in one area better. 2. Continue to move more toward the franchisee model even more so than they are currently doing. By furthering this model, overhead and administrative costs at the corporate level are drastically reduced. Papa John’s Papa John’s Analysis Alex Quiquia 3/19/13 MGMT 4800 Strategic Analysis of Papa John’s Introduction–We already know that Papa John's is a major player in the Pizza industry but what does the future hold for them. One of the business-level strategies that Papa John’s implemented was product differentiation through the use of fresh dough and superior-quality ingredients. John Schnatter believed that other pizza restaurants used inferior ingredients and that he could do it better. This strategy was implemented from the very beginning in the United States.Another successful business-level strategy that focused on product diversification employed by Papa John’s was the use of technology to order pizza. In 2001 they became the first pizza company to offer online ordering. The most significant corporate-level strategy used early on by Papa John’s was mergers and acquisitions. In the late 90s, the company acquired 205 â€Å"Perfect Pizza† resta urants in the UK. They continued aggressively acquiring international restaurants until the early 2000s when they began to focus their acquisition efforts domestically.In just under 30 years since opening its first store, Papa John’s has added over 4,000 stores (papajohns. com). That’s an average of over 140 new stores every year since inception, an incredible pace. They also decided to use the franchisee model. Although this model has its critics, it can be a very useful way to generate revenue without adding to store overhead, etc. The franchisee model has been successful for Papa John’s. Papa John’s was enjoying a 5+ percent average revenue growth rate for the previous five years. The company also boasted one of the highest returns on invested capital in the restaurant category of the markets.Total assets grew steadily from 2003 to 2007 as well. This growth was financed mostly by debt, but debt/equity ratios remained healthy. Apparently Papa Johnâ€⠄¢s holds a competitive advantage in its fresher, higher-quality ingredients. When a customer is looking for a restaurant-quality pizza with ease of delivery, they turn to Papa John’s. External Analysis– During this study, the pizza industry was extremely competitive. Barriers to entry were few and competitors could drive prices for pizza ingredients extremely low, enabling them to easily undercut other competitors’ prices.Food commodity prices also took a 20 percent jump in 2007, which didn’t make the industry any more attractive. One of the attractive features of the industry is that because pizza ingredients are commodities, supplier power is very low. Suppliers cannot dictate prices to buyers, because they can go somewhere else. Buyer power, however, is very high. If someone doesn’t wish to buy a $12. 00 pizza at Papa John’s, they can go across the street to Little Caesar’s for a $5. 00 pizza that tastes almost the same. The two m ajor competitors of Papa John’s are Dominos and Pizza Hut. Both of these companies enjoy a larger market share than Papa John’s.These companies are focused more on price savings than Papa John’s, who is focused on quality pizza. Just like any other sub-section of the food industry, thousands of pizza restaurants are opened each year, which continues to make profits more difficult to obtain. Internal Analysis–The commissary system is an important part of what gives Papa John’s an edge over its competitors. Every Papa John’s restaurant belongs to a subdivided region, and each region has what is known as a commissary. These commissaries send fresh ingredients and cleaning supplies twice per week to all the Papa John’s restaurants within their region.This ensures fresh ingredients and all the supplies needed to clean the restaurants. This also maintains consistency from restaurant to restaurant as all of the commissaries are controlled at the corporate level. By servicing several units from one commissary, labor costs are also driven down. Papa John’s international growth is also an advantage it has over many of its competitors. By taking advantage of all different markets around the world, Papa John’s ensures that business is most likely thriving somewhere at all times. All of these factors create a competitive advantage for Papa John’s.Recommendations Based on this analysis of Papa John’s, the following recommendations are made to help the company continue its profitability. 1. Expand internationally as much as possible. With several stores in diverse locations throughout the world, Papa John’s will be well diversified and able to absorb losses in one area better. 2. Continue to move more toward the franchisee model even more so than they are currently doing. By furthering this model, overhead and administrative costs at the corporate level are drastically reduced.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Collapse Of The Corporate Rock Star - 1686 Words

The story of Enron is one of a perfect storm--the right people in the right places with the right ideas, but the exact opposite. Moreover, it is a story about accounting fraud, deception, the ugly side of corporate culture and, most of all, greed. In entry level accounting classes, it is taught that publishing accurate financial statements and being honest in accounting practices are fundamental to maintaining a healthy business and achieving lasting success. Enron is a shining example of what happens when you choose to violate these principles. In order to fully understand what caused the collapse of the corporate rock star that was Enron we will discuss the people involved, the crimes they perpetrated, and the results of said†¦show more content†¦If Lay was Batman, Skilling was his Robin--assuming Batman and Robin were criminals and not crime fighters. Both equally responsible, both equally morally corrupt, and both equally reprehensible. Skilling would serve as the president and COO for the majority of the time period relevant to this scandal, and ultimately directed a large part of the deception that occurred in that time. As before mentioned, Skilling, like Lay, was a man of big ideas. Some would say unrealistic ideas. His motto was very much, build castles in the air, then put the foundations under them. He was infamous for setting financial goals that were by all means unattainable under normal operations. In particular, Skilling would ask financial consultants what amount of revenue would increase the stock price of Enron to market analysts projected value, then set that as the company goal, regardless of whether achieving it was even possible. In addition to Skilling s extremely forward thinking, he was a large proponent of a survival of the fittest attitude. He believed that the greatest possible efficiency in the work place resulted from direct competition with one s coworkers. This attitude spurred the implementation of the Pe rformance Review Committee, a committee which would rank all Enron employees based on performance, and fire those ranking in the bottom. Furthermore, those employees that ranked high in the standings would be