Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Threats and Opportunities of Social Media Marketing in the Framework Essay

Threats and Opportunities of Social Media Marketing in the Framework of Contemporary Advertising Strategy - Essay Example This essay stresses that social media marketing is something that must always remain supreme within any advertising strategy which is geared to meet the eye of the young audiences. This has been proven with the passage of time that the young ones appreciate the presence of marketing on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instant Messengers and so on. As the paper declares the contemporary advertising strategy is such that it derives its basis from a number of different sectors, most significant of which remain the aspects of reaching out to the relevant target audiences and thus finding ways and means through which newer markets could be tapped in a corrective fashion. It would also manifest for growth and development under the already established clientele, which is indeed the target audience which is proving to be a major success for the brands and campaigns working under the aegis of these organizations. The modern day advertising strategy is such that it will bring instant results if devised in line with the needs, wishes and desires of the target audience. Within the framework of the social media avenues, it is always pertinent to discern the basis of success within the making up of such advertising strategies and plans which would eventually give the intended mileage to the brands and campaigns that are run on these platfor ms. The social media trends and changes are happening so quickly that it is very difficult to follow up what exactly is taking place within the relevant ranks. This calls for an understanding of how properly the advertising strategies are devised, planned and later on implemented within the related settings (Sigala, 2011). What is most significant here is an understanding that much sanity can prevail within these discussions if everyone knows his role well and then goes about aligning and delegating people for their respective chores and tasks. After all, it must be remembered here that the social media marketing elements are always given the go ahead when the brands and campaigns within the aegis of organizations understand their use and believe in its effectiveness and efficiency without any issues that will ultimately come to the reckoning. An opportunity that can be discussed here is of these social media platforms working to best affects for the sake of the consumers and users alike. These people want to be updated about the latest products, services and trends that belong to their own age where they spend most of their time, i.e. the social media avenues. It excites the young audiences as they want to connect with it and thus know about the different worldly affairs (Nolan, 2011). It just is a very significant part of who they are and what they want to seek from life. Psychological entities have proven that the social media enterprises and platforms excite the teenagers more than the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bioterorrism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bioterorrism - Research Paper Example It is important to point out that the use of biological warfare comes with disastrous results, just like other weapons of mass of destruction. Despite nations devising tactical approaches, meant to stop the threat posed by biological weapons, the simple nature in manufacturing the weapons puts nations such as the United States at a risk of an imminent attack from terrorists. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), â€Å"A bioterrorism attack is the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs (agents) used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants.† Based on the foregoing, it is evident that these are natural agents of causing diseases. Nevertheless, terrorists change these agents by increasing their ability to cause diseases, increasing their capability to resist drugs, or even escalating their capacity to spread widely in the environment, which is often with catastrophic effects. The CDC further noted the possibility of terrorists to use biological agents since their detection is not simple, and the biological agents have the ability of concealing illness for several hours or even days, which enhances their spread to other people and to the environment. However, it is important to point out that there is a tendency to collocate biological agents with nuclear weapons and lethal chemical weapons as potential weapons of mass destruction. However, there are discernible differences between these other weapons and bioweapons. In this regard, pathogens are living things, which is not the case with the other weapons. In effect, biological weapons are able to reproduce and independently engage in adaptive behavior, which is not the case with the other weapons (Steinbruner 87). Therefore, these contrasting characteristics of biological weapons enhance the potency of bioweapons in comparison to the other weapons. Vogel noted, â€Å"A commonly held belief is that the technology behind biological weapons is re latively simple and therefore, one could argue, less dependent on tacit knowledge than nuclear weapons† (660). In this case, this emphasizes the ease with which terrorists can acquire these weapons and even manufacture them easily by acquiring the essential ingredients that are readily available. It is common knowledge that experts and the media have made the widespread belief that the requirements for biological weapons are chicken soup, a bathtub, and seed culture (Vogel 660). This effectively puts emphasis on the ease of making biological weapons. To support this argument, Steinbruner noted, â€Å"A small home-brewery is all that it would be required to a potent threat of major proportions† (86). On the other hand, there is an argument that the inherent dual-usage of biotechnology renders previous tacit knowledge in bioweapons explicit (Vogel 660). In effect, this poses challenges to policymakers regarding protecting civilians against attacks that result from the use of the biological weapons. In support of this line of thought on the ease of manufacturing biological weapons, Steinbruner noted, â€Å"As potential instruments of destruction, biological agents are inexpensive, readily available, and usually dangerous† (85). In this case, various pathogens affect human beings with some of these pathogens having the potential of causing massive destruction. Indeed, Streinbruner pointed that some biological agents